Offer your skill ...Get 5$ for Each Order you Get

Do you have skill related with internet, such as:

  • Making e-book cover, e-cover software box
  • Making  soundtrack
  • Gaining and grow Twitter follower
  • Design brochure, header, template etc
  • Writing SEO friendly articles.
  • many more skills
Don't let your skill go..Use it, offer it to others and get  fresh dollars (USD $) from internet. Maybe you ask me, where I can offer my skill so other people can hire me? Good question.

Fiverr , is a website where many freelancer or people who has unique skill meet with their customer that need their skill. If you interested in, just press Join tab right above of the website and then will appear registration form like this picture below.

Just fill your data in that form. After that click Join button
Please check your email that you use to register in Fiverr and then find confirmation email, open it then click confirmation link.
Now, your Fiverr account is already done.

To start sell your skill, just login into your Fiverr account. Here are the steps:
- Choose Profile then press Setting tab
- Fill out your detail data and describe who you are.
- Enter your paypal email. If you don't have Paypal account, just click here
- Write what kind of your skill that you want to offer.
- Insert your profile picture
- After that, press Save button

If you want offer your skill, choose Seller tab and then press My Gigs tab
Fiverr use 'Gigs' for everything you offer to other people from all around the world that will pay your skill for 5$.
- Press Add New button to start selling your skill.
- Fill out the space available in Add New Gigs form (see the picture below)

Follow this steps to fill this form :
- Fill I will .....for 5$ with short description what will you offer.
- Choose your Category
- In space Description, please describe what kind of thing you offer
- Also write the instruction that buyer will do when they order your gig.
- In Tags space, fill with suitable keyword to represent and describe
   what skill you offer.
- In "Maximum Days to complete" please fill out with how many days
   you can finish the order.
- In "Add Images" , please insert your represent image that can be
  represented your gig that you offer.
- After that, press Save button.

Now "My Gigs" listing is ready to view by other people who need your skill. If someone order your Gig, Fiverr will send you notification email.

Some of author's friend has used this service. They said, although Fiverr just stand for, but they really pay you via your Paypal account.

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Want to get Dollars from Facebook?

Facebook..Who doesn't know about Facebook or maybe you don't have an account there?? Just register..FREE. By register in Facebook, you can get the opportunity got fresh dollar from Facebook? Is it true??
Yes, it's true. You can get dollars from Facebook, so you don't only use just for browsing, add comment to your friend's wall or playing game but now you can take this opportunity too. Below, I will give you the steps that you can follow:

  • Please login into your Facebook
  • Then find Easy Cash application in your Facebook or click this link here
  • You can press "LIKE" button if you want.
  • Press Go to application button.
  • Then press  Allow button when the application ask your allowance to access directly to your account.
  • If you approved, 1USD$ will be your own bonus.
  • To add your revenue, find and get your affiliate link (you can find at right side on above).
  • Just choose Reffer Friends tab (picture A)
  • Choose your friends that you want to invite to join Easy Cash application (picture B)
  • You can only invite 12friends in everyday.
  • After that, just press Send Easy Cash Invitation button and click Send button in confirm window that appear.
Below, I insert support picture to explain my explanation above:

                                              Pic A. Tab Refer Friends

                                               Pic B. Select your friend

If you need payment proof into paypal account. just check here
Hurry up to join, before your friend joined..

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Google Adsense Maker Service

Basically, we provide internet marketing video tutorial original from the expert in internet marketing.
We also offer to help all of you who don't have Google adsense account or people have ever rejected their Adsense application by Google.

Only Rp. 175.000 BONUS for this November is Ebook "Strategi Pemilihan Niche Produk" . If you interested in, just send your data detail include full name, address, cellular number and email into this mail: and we will reply your email with our bank account/Paypal email to transfer your payment and also include link to download the Bonus). Every month we will change our BONUS. For payment this service, just send the down payment (50%) and 50% can be paid after your adsense approved.

This service is only available for Indonesian people.



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